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コムシステクノ株式会社 口コミ掲示板

ホームページ: コムシステクノ株式会社
平均ポイント: 2.9


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Dee Sloan ( No.121 )
日時: 2007/10/20 10:43
名前: Brain Wilson
ポイント: 3  <kpkgu@poulcgwl.cm>

登録時の印象 : 不満
営業担当の印象 : 不満
希望職種 : ソフトウェア開発(SE・PG)
就労満足度 : 大変満足

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None ( No.122 )
日時: 2007/10/31 18:30
名前: Stakan
ポイント: 4  <arry@aol.com>

登録時の印象 : 登録していない
営業担当の印象 : 満足
希望職種 : 営業事務
就労満足度 : 不満

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None ( No.123 )
日時: 2007/11/08 02:23
ポイント: 2

登録時の印象 : 大変不満
希望職種 : 販売
就労満足度 : 大変不満

Because of your work, I work with former soviet scientists to design and share online training schedules for athletes throughout the world. People are people regardless of where they are located; with dreams and the inner quest for knowledge. 20 years ago this would have been impossible. Even though the geopolitics would have still gone the way they had, the net has allowed us to be more than non combatants..we have become friends.
None ( No.124 )
日時: 2007/11/11 11:59
ポイント: 2  <jumba_umba@aol.com>

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
希望職種 : カウンター受付窓口
就労満足度 : 大変満足

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None ( No.125 )
日時: 2007/11/14 02:29
名前: Anonyme
ポイント: 1  <serrilen@yahoo.com>

登録時の印象 : 満足
営業担当の印象 : 大変満足
希望職種 : 人事・採用
就労満足度 : 就労していない

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rojncxaavk ( No.126 )
日時: 2007/11/15 19:46
名前: rojncxaavk
ポイント: 1  <mfjwo@nynyikp.com>

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
営業担当の印象 : 不満
希望職種 : OA事務

My jockette daughter has her physiotherapy, my wife is a huge believer in retail therapy and I am a recent convert to Porsche therapy. Although just about any model from the renowned purveyor of mondo powerful and very speedy sports cars (the Cayenne SUV is not an option) will do, one doesn't have to be Trump like rich, drive like a scofflaw or otherwise be socially irresponsible in order to shake off a funk. Just spending some quality time in the Boxster will fill the bill quite nicely, putting one in a much happier frame of mind. Any droptop sports car is a sweet indulgence, but the Boxster is especially so in that it is one of the most communicative...<br><a href='http://super-blog-here.com/news/11660'>http://super-blog-here.com/</a>
None ( No.127 )
日時: 2007/11/17 04:39
名前: Jerimiy
ポイント: 3

登録時の印象 : 登録していない
希望職種 : 一般事務
就労満足度 : 就労していない

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None ( No.128 )
日時: 2007/11/18 12:55
名前: Nell
ポイント: 2

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
営業担当の印象 : 大変不満
希望職種 : 貿易事務

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None ( No.129 )
日時: 2007/11/19 00:20
名前: Jerimiy
ポイント: 3

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
営業担当の印象 : 満足
希望職種 : グループセクレタリー
就労満足度 : 就労していない

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rlvhybtcdi ( No.130 )
日時: 2007/11/21 22:05
名前: rlvhybtcdi
ポイント: 5  <kudkh@cezrexs.com>

営業担当の印象 : 不満
希望職種 : セールスエンジニア
就労満足度 : 大変満足

Ministers are facing demands for answers after 25 million people's personal details were lost in Britain's worst ever data protection breach. The "catastrophic" blunder by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) means nearly half the UK's population including leading politicians and businessmen are at risk of identity fraud. Chancellor Alistair Darling revealed the staggering scale of the debacle in an emergency statement to MPs, as Paul Gray, the head of HMRC, fell on his sword. Two compact discs containing names, addresses, dates of birth, child benefit numbers, national insurance numbers and bank or building society account details of some 25 million individuals and 7.25 million families have gone missing. The Commons emitted a collective gasp as Mr Darling explained how a junior official sent the entire child benefit database...<br><a href='http://big-internet-site.com/news/24525'>http://big-internet-site.com/</a>
hxxggpipql ( No.131 )
日時: 2007/11/21 22:06
名前: hxxggpipql
ポイント: 4  <myauy@skcelkl.com>

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
営業担当の印象 : 営業担当と会っていない
希望職種 : 外資信託銀行
就労満足度 : 大変不満

Ministers are facing demands for answers after 25 million people's personal details were lost in Britain's worst ever data protection breach. The "catastrophic" blunder by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) means nearly half the UK's population including leading politicians and businessmen are at risk of identity fraud. Chancellor Alistair Darling revealed the staggering scale of the debacle in an emergency statement to MPs, as Paul Gray, the head of HMRC, fell on his sword. Two compact discs containing names, addresses, dates of birth, child benefit numbers, national insurance numbers and bank or building society account details of some 25 million individuals and 7.25 million families have gone missing. The Commons emitted a collective gasp as Mr Darling explained how a junior official sent the entire child benefit database...<br><a href='http://big-internet-site.com/news/24525'>http://big-internet-site.com/</a>
None ( No.132 )
日時: 2007/11/22 11:14
名前: Padve
ポイント: 2  <thebmv@yahoo.com>

登録時の印象 : 登録していない
希望職種 : システムコンサルタント

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kikedewade ( No.133 )
日時: 2007/11/23 00:40
名前: kikedewade
ポイント: 4  <xxbeh@reqjmtg.com>

登録時の印象 : 登録していない
営業担当の印象 : 不満
希望職種 : 製造業務
就労満足度 : 大変不満

The average house buyer snaps up their home after a cursory once over at best. Cheryl Markosky takes the stopwatch test Seventeen minutes is the average time we spend looking at a property before we decide to buy it. That's a lot less than the 54 minutes we take to pick out new curtains, according to research for bank ING Direct. Lightning tour: it took just seventeen minutes to view this &pound;3.75 million house near trendy Westbourne Grove including its bright and airy kitchen and rear extension Surely this is a bit brief to find out all you need to know when making the most expensive purchase of your life? Or is it actually better to race round in a twinkling for that all important first impression? Armed with a stopwatch, I spent 17 minutes at three London properties to see just how difficult or easy it is to make that life changing choice....<br><a href='http://blog-about-sport.com/news/29903'>http://blog-about-sport.com/</a>
vvpxyyrnpo ( No.134 )
日時: 2007/11/24 23:41
名前: vvpxyyrnpo
ポイント: 2  <vnjbz@apltwnd.com>

登録時の印象 : 登録していない
就労満足度 : 大変不満

Dr Nahed Taher highlighted the mining, petrochemical, transportation, utilities and communications sectors as industry fields in which regional companies have a chance of becoming global players. 迭egional companies need to focus on these sectors to develop competitive advantages to perform on a global level she said. Commenting on the role of Arab governments, Dr Taher pointed out that the growing trend towards public private partnerships (PPP) to facilitate large infrastructure projects was a step in the right direction. 敵overnments are realising that a business approach needs to be taken to ensure efficiency. This is something which they are learning to adapt to, she said. In terms of progress in this regard, 鉄audi Arabia has the most privatised economy in the GCC, she added. Stressing the need for a reduced role of governments, Dr Saad Al Barrak said governments in the region play a much too crucial role in their economies. 典hey own many assets and, at the same...<br><a href='http://site-with-content.com/news/25112'>http://site-with-content.com/</a>
ynndgowkof ( No.135 )
日時: 2007/11/24 23:41
名前: ynndgowkof
ポイント: 4  <zxbce@crozwgk.com>

登録時の印象 : 不満
営業担当の印象 : 大変満足
希望職種 : 広報・広告
就労満足度 : 就労していない

Dr Nahed Taher highlighted the mining, petrochemical, transportation, utilities and communications sectors as industry fields in which regional companies have a chance of becoming global players. 迭egional companies need to focus on these sectors to develop competitive advantages to perform on a global level she said. Commenting on the role of Arab governments, Dr Taher pointed out that the growing trend towards public private partnerships (PPP) to facilitate large infrastructure projects was a step in the right direction. 敵overnments are realising that a business approach needs to be taken to ensure efficiency. This is something which they are learning to adapt to, she said. In terms of progress in this regard, 鉄audi Arabia has the most privatised economy in the GCC, she added. Stressing the need for a reduced role of governments, Dr Saad Al Barrak said governments in the region play a much too crucial role in their economies. 典hey own many assets and, at the same...<br><a href='http://site-with-content.com/news/25112'>http://site-with-content.com/</a>
eclqwcezsd ( No.136 )
日時: 2007/11/25 19:30
名前: eclqwcezsd
ポイント: 4  <yzvcu@jvyscxg.com>

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
営業担当の印象 : 大変満足
希望職種 : DTP・CGデザイン
就労満足度 : 満足

I have never been much in favour of online shopping. The idea that the ancient physical delight of strolling the marketplace or bazaar and taking in its sights and smells might one day be replaced by clicking and dragging from a desktop is one I have always found more repugnant than convenient. But that was before I found out aboutWhat is Etsy? If you ask its founder, 27 year old Brooklyn based Rob Kalin, Etsy is "a childhood word from a Fellini movie" that he chose because "it embodies the curiosity of imagination" (the naughty Kalin has also playfully told the press that Etsy comes...<br><a href='http://bestnews-4u.com/news/3439'>http://bestnews-4u.com/</a>
rzwzidvhrz ( No.137 )
日時: 2007/11/25 19:30
名前: rzwzidvhrz
ポイント: 4  <tjiaj@rxdrvpd.com>

営業担当の印象 : 営業担当と会っていない
希望職種 : 設計(電子・機械・建築)
就労満足度 : 就労していない

I have never been much in favour of online shopping. The idea that the ancient physical delight of strolling the marketplace or bazaar and taking in its sights and smells might one day be replaced by clicking and dragging from a desktop is one I have always found more repugnant than convenient. But that was before I found out aboutWhat is Etsy? If you ask its founder, 27 year old Brooklyn based Rob Kalin, Etsy is "a childhood word from a Fellini movie" that he chose because "it embodies the curiosity of imagination" (the naughty Kalin has also playfully told the press that Etsy comes...<br><a href='http://bestnews-4u.com/news/3439'>http://bestnews-4u.com/</a>
n.Grab.n ( No.138 )
日時: 2007/11/28 10:57
名前: n.Grab.n
ポイント: 4

登録時の印象 : 不満
営業担当の印象 : 大変不満
希望職種 : 広報・広告
就労満足度 : 満足

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fhpfewjmdo ( No.139 )
日時: 2007/11/28 22:04
名前: fhpfewjmdo
ポイント: 1  <qwbke@extsbat.com>

登録時の印象 : 満足
希望職種 : 介護業務
就労満足度 : 不満

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degcvjvrfv ( No.140 )
日時: 2007/12/07 01:55
名前: degcvjvrfv
ポイント: 2  <dgzzs@eaxtvkg.com>

登録時の印象 : 大変満足
希望職種 : Web系業務/HP作成
就労満足度 : 不満

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